Traditionally, Bingo games are played in the evening
at a local bingo hall and consist of a session of about
30 games. With online bingo you can play any time all
over the world. Simply register at one of the recommended
online bingo sites and you can play bingo instantly. The
games starts with each player playing a number of Bingo
cards ( between 3 -25 cards) purchased before prior to
the game start.

Bingo cards has 5 rows and 5 columns with 25 spaces.
And the columns are labelled at the top with the letters
BINGO. The center space is a free spot. Each space in
the the 1st 'B' column contains a number from 1 - 15.
Each space in the 'I' column contains a number from 16
- 30. Each space in the 'N' column contains a number from
31 - 45. Each space in the 'G' column contains a number
from 46 - 60. Each space in the 'O' column contains a
number from 61 - 75.

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In the UK and Australia bingo cards have a grid of 9
columns and 3 rows with 15 numbers out of a total of 90
possible game numbers. The first column has numbers 1
to 10, the second column 10 to 19, the third 20 to 29,
and so on. This enable players to mark their cards easily
as they are called.

Each game has a pattern choosen as the
target to race towards filling out the pattern specified
with the numbers being called from the announcer. The
first player to fill the pattern with the bingo numbers
wins the game. The game will begin selecting a random
number from 1 - 75. Each time a number is picked, it is
removed from the possible numbers to be picked as the
pool of numbers decreases. With our recommended casinos
the computer will automatically mark your cards on the
screen with the number choosen for you. You will need
to have the daper option enabled. But this is usually
by default. Once all the numbers in the games particular
winning pattern has been marked off, you will WIN BINGO!
The game pauses while the card is verified. If it is confirmed,
the game stops and a new game begins. If more than one
players wins at the same time, the winning is split among
the winners.

The more cards you purchase to play in a particular game,
the more chance you will win the game.